Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate Mousse

Recipe by Olive You Most


Prep time


Cooking time





There are health benefits to chocolate! Plus we substituted coconut sugar for granulated white sugar and added some cinnamon for some extra healthy points. Your guests will be super impressed with this creamy decadent and easy to make chocolate mousse recipe.


  • 4 egg yolks

  • 2 Tbsp. of coconut sugar

  • 1/8 tsp. of salt

  • 2 cups of cold heavy whipping cream, divided

  • 7 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate

  • 1 tsp. of vanilla

  • 1/4 tsp. of cinnamon


  • In a mixer, add eggs, sugar, and salt. Mix until combined, about 3 minutes.
  • In a small saucepan, heat 3/4 cup of whipping cream until it is hot but not boiling. While mixer is on low, slowly add the hot milk to the egg mixture until combined.
  • Now add the egg/cream mixture back into the saucepan and heat on low for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Do not bring it to a boil.
  • Remove from heat and stir in chocolate until blended. Cover and refrigerate for about 2 hours.
  • When the chocolate mixture is almost chilled, with an emulsion blender whip the remaining heavy cream a couple of minutes until stiff peaks form.
  • Remove chocolate from the fridge and gently fold the stiff heavy cream into the mixture until blended. (Reserve a couple tablespoons to place on top.)
  • Scoop mousse into serving dishes, add a dollop of whipped heavy cream on top and sprinkle with cocoa powder.

tips and nutritional value

  • 1. Studies show that dark chocolate (70-85% cocoa) is one of the best sources of antioxidants. It is actually very nutritious (when eaten in moderation) and can lower the risk of heart disease, improve brain function and reduce inflammation
  • 2. While a lot of attention is given to dark chocolate, cocoa powder (cacao) could actually be the winner. Cocoa powder is the purest form of chocolate and contains a high amount of flavonoids (the healthy part) but without the sugar that is found in chocolate. Try adding cocoa powder to your yogurt or oatmeal!
  • 3. Cinnamon also as many health benefits, including reducing inflammation and the risk of heart disease.  But there are two types of cinnamon, Cassia and Ceylon.  While both of them are healthy, Cassia is a lesser quality and contains coumarin, which is a toxin if you eat too much of it, so we suggest using Ceylon.

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Olive You Most Duo

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